Showing 97 Result(s)

Oven Braised Brisket Bonus Recipes

These Oven Braised Brisket Bonus Recipes are a few extra recipes for when you have some leftover beef in the fridge. The idea behind cook once eat twice is a way to have healthy dinners on the table even when life gets crazy. By cooking a larger amount of something one day you can roll …

Keto Breakfast Hash

Keto Breakfast Hash (Leftover Brisket)

This keto breakfast hash is the second recipe in Cook Once Eat Twice Brisket #2 post. This is a hearty breakfast perfect for the cold days ahead. I miss potatoes more than anything since going low carb. As with everything I eat them in moderation but using turnips instead makes this completely doable any day …

Leftover Brisket Chili

Leftover Brisket and Poblano Chili

This Leftover Brisket and Poblano Chili is a bonus recipe from the Cook Once Eat Twice Brisket Edition.  So, if you cooked the five-pound brisket and made the Poblano Tacos hopefully you froze your leftover beef for a rainy day. Assuming that, this recipe will come together in about 20 minutes. If not, no worries, any leftover …

Best of September 2018

Fall is finally here. Ohio weather is so crazy sometimes, 85° early in the week to 41° over the weekend. I find it funny that it is currently around 50° and I am shivering in my house but come March after winter has beaten us down for four months 50° will feel like a warm …

Oven Braised Brisket #1

The idea behind cook once eat twice is a way to have healthy dinners on the table even when life gets crazy. By cooking a larger amount of something one day you can roll the ingredients into another meal that you can have ready in minutes on one of the busy days. Cooking this way …

Leftover Brisket Tacos

Leftover Brisket Tacos

These Leftover Brisket Tacos were my husband’s favorite recipe of our “cook once eat twice” brisket series. With good reason! it is so simple and the addition of the poblano, onions, and tomatillo salsa changes up the flavor of the beef so you really feel like you are getting a new meal, not just a leftover …