Showing 14 Result(s)

Peppermint Mocha Smoothie

This Peppermint Mocha Smoothie is an easy, healthy snack to fuel up after your workout. My husband and I have been following a low carb diet since mid-March in an effort to eat healthier and just be more aware of what we are eating. I am down 20+ pounds with about 10-15 more to go. …

Avocado Ranch Chicken Salad

Every once in awhile a dish of leftovers ends up being more delicious than the original meal. This Avocado Ranch Chicken Salad turned out to be just that! I made a family pack of these Parmesan Chicken Thighs and served them with the Garlic Green Beans early in the week knowing we would have leftover chicken from it. I …

Zucchini and Ham Zoodle Salad

Lunch around my house usually consists of clearing out bits and pieces of food not used in recipes and leftovers.  This Zucchini and Ham Zoodle Salad recipe came from doing just that.  This is an easy zoodle salad perfect for a lunch or light dinner. I had some goat cheese leftover from our wine and …

Grilled Chicken Ceasar Salad

Grilling time is almost here in the Midwest. A favorite of ours is grilled chicken Ceasar salad. The sunny days are few and far between the rain and thunderstorms, but they are trying. One thing is for sure, when we do have a sunny day you can always catch the smell of a neighbor firing …

Garlic Green Beans

These Garlic Green Beans are a quick and easy side dish we usually eat once a week. Green beans are cheap, they range from .99 to 1.99/pound at my grocer. This makes them the perfect veggie for an easy side dish.  If you want to make this even faster you could take some help from …

Oven Roasted Broccoli Rabe

Broccoli rabe or rapini is a dark leafy green with buds that resemble a small head of broccoli.  The whole plant is edible, stems, leaves, and buds.  To clean it trim off the ends of the stems and remove and greens that are wilted or damaged, give it a rinse or soak and you are …